Objective and Background
Today’s business ecosystem is bringing furious and frenetic change to existing business structures, operations and models. And just like the Greek Furies that drove their victims mad, the dislocating affects of technological change are disrupting the accepted norms of business. This book will explore the pivotal role that technology plays in creating new dynamics to business operations and forcing business model changes. In particular, the operating environment in which businesses function today has, and will, change to a greater degree and at a faster pace than any period in the past. The dynamic that enabled the television to gain critical mass over five decades has accelerated to allow Internet based companies to reach the same critical mass within months.
Market convergence is reducing business barriers to entry, destabilizing long established businesses and their underlying business models. The dynamic forces of unleashed technological advancements that new technically advanced businesses are using are rapidly and significantly disrupting long-established sustainable products, companies, industries and sectors. The creative adoption of technology is creating a strategic imbalance comprised of firms who understand how to use technology effectively and firms that have not yet realized that they are playing in an unstable ecosystem. The intent of this book is to explore the factors that make digital disruption possible, the effects this has on existing business models, the industries that are most susceptible to disruption and what executives can do to take advantage of disruption to re-invent their business model.
Download a copy of the book plan here.
Audience for this book
This book is targeted at business practitioners, entrepreneurs, senior leadership, managerial and administration teams and anyone interested in understanding how to guide corporate strategy and operate competitive businesses.
Adoption of digital technology has caused process disruptions in a number of industries (e.g., automotive and services), led to new business models (e.g., Über, AirBnb) and new products (e.g., robots, 3D printing, etc.). While most of these examples are in front of us and we read and hear about them in media, this books targets not so obvious disruptions (e.g., in the education sector, in services and changing business models) along with some obvious ones (e.g., 3D printing and in addressing mobility issues).
Themes & Topics
A basic structure of the book is conceptualized below.
o Why should business leaders care about digital disruption
o Why is digital disruption the “phantom ex machina” and the business model of the future?
o Purpose of this book is assist in identifying disruption and propose strategies on how businesses can participate in the evolution of business models to capitalize on technology’s impact
Business Models (themes)
o Basic Business Model theory – Potter’s theory of business models, what constitutes the survival of company
o Discuss how firms and people embrace change and how it affects profit, planning, people and politics
o Describe external and internal threats and opportunities (as it relates to big and small firms)
Identifying Disruption (themes)
o Introduction on how to identify business models susceptible to disruption
o Who is affected (everyone – think Blockbuster, Blackberry, etc.)
o Are certain industries more susceptible to disruption?
Technology and disruption (themes)
o Key technologies that are creating disruption today and technologies that may add further disruption (mobile, internet, social, cloud, Internet of Things, big data, 3D printing)
o Separate purposely disruptive (transformational) versus those who are re-inventing themselves to be disruptive (incremental)
o Cost of entry and how technology is breaking down barriers (demographic shift to digital natives) and the Return on Investment (ROI)
Case Studies (by industry and / or discipline)
o Case studies that highlight a disruption of a traditional business model, examples include:
o Research in Motion (RIM) by both Apple (Hardware Company) and Google (Search Engine / Advertising company)
o Blockbuster versus Netflix
o Newspaper industry versus decentralized news reporting
o Uber versus the transportation and logistics industry
o Airbnb versus the hospitality industry
o Case studies will identify the key disruptive attributes and the effect it had on the industry incumbents
How to take advantage of disruption (themes)
o How to turn these disruptive forces into business advantage
o Key attributes of businesses taking advantage of digital disruption
o An enterprise architecture view of digital disruption technology
o Key technologies
o You are only as fast as your data – the future is all about agility, nimbleness an speed to market (think lean start-up)
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Timeline and Deadlines
June 2015 – October 2016
Call for proposals: June 1, 2015 (COMPLETED)
Receipt of proposals: August 31, 2015 (COMPLETED)
Call for papers after review of proposals: September 30, 2015 (COMPLETED)
Search for publisher: October 31, 2015 (COMPLETED)
Receipt of full papers: March 31, 2016
Review and revisions to be completed by June 30, 2016
Handover the manuscript to publisher by July 31, 2016
Target Date of Publication
The target date for publication is October 2016 if everything goes as planned.
Financial Implications for authors
There will be no financial implications for contributing authors. A free hard copy / electronic copy of the book and a digital copy of your chapter will be negotiated with the publisher. The Editors will bear any costs that may occur. Authors will also not be receiving any royalty from sales (if provided by the publisher to the Editors).
Submission of Full Papers
Please see the guidelines attached at the end of this document. Full papers should be received before March 31, 2016.